

IN VIA Geschäftsstelle


IN VIA München e. V.
Katholischer Verband für
Mädchen- und
Goethestraße 12 / VI
80336 München

IN VIA Migration
Tel: +49 (0) 89 - 54 888 95 - 0

IN VIA Jugendwohnen
Tel: +49 (0) 89 – 28 28 24

Kath. Bahnhofsmission
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 – 59 45 78

IN VIA Geschäftsstelle
Tel: +49 (0) 89 – 28 28 24
Fax +49 (0) 89 – 28 84 13


Sibylle Hartmann

Since when have you been with IN VIA?
Since 1 March 2015

Which programme did you use/attend at IN VIA?
I work in administration.

Describe yourself in 3 adjectives
Open, communicative and hopefully always friendly

What is a good day?
When my colleagues drop by our office in a good mood.

What do you like about your work?
The flexibility and the nice colleagues.

What are your challenges and successes at IN VIA?
When administrative work processes can be optimised.

Do you have a personal highlight since you joined IN VIA? 
Creatively organised team meetings with colleagues (social pedagogues).

If you had one wish, what would it be?
A standardised language around the world to break down barriers and prejudices.