Respect Coaches und Mental Health Coaches
Democracy, tolerance and mental health!
The aim of the project "Respekt Coaches - Lass uns Reden! Reden bringt Respekt." of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth is to educate young people about democracy and to empower them against misanthropic ideologies. To protect young people from extremist groups, we accompany school classes in Munich, Freising and Erding throughout the school year and offer projects and workshops on a wide range of political education topics.
The "Mental Health Coaches - Sagen, was ist. Tun, was hilft" offer programmes and projects to impart knowledge and promote mental health - tailored to the individual needs of each school and class in consultation with school management and school social work. We work with mental health coaches at schools in Munich and Traunstein.
It is important for us to convey the feeling to each individual student: Your opinion is valuable! Pupils learn that it is okay to have different opinions and that it is possible to discuss them without immediately arguing. They experience appreciation and are encouraged to make their voices heard: in the classroom, at school and in society.
Of course, respect is not always easy. It's just like football training: practice, practice, practice!
You can find more information about the nationwide programme at: