

IN VIA Geschäftsstelle


IN VIA München e. V.
Katholischer Verband für
Mädchen- und
Goethestraße 12 / VI
80336 München

IN VIA Migration
Tel: +49 (0) 89 - 54 888 95 - 0

IN VIA Jugendwohnen
Tel: +49 (0) 89 – 28 28 24

Kath. Bahnhofsmission
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 – 59 45 78

IN VIA Geschäftsstelle
Tel: +49 (0) 89 – 28 28 24
Fax +49 (0) 89 – 28 84 13


Alice Goldbergova

When did you join IN VIA? 
Since May 2003.

What is your area of responsibility?
For part of my working time, I am the volunteer coordinator for the migration department. I publish adverts for the desired and required tasks at the volunteer agencies in Munich. If a volunteer wants to take on an advertised task, I conduct an initial interview with them. I introduce IN VIA and look forward to getting to know the person interested in volunteering. I accompany the volunteer until their first assignment and am available to answer any questions. The second part of my role consists of organising, coordinating, accompanying and sometimes also providing learning support for pupils in years 6 to 10.

Describe yourself in 3 adjectives 
Solution-orientated, spontaneous and cheerful

What is a good day?
Sleeping in, having a good breakfast, meeting nice people and doing something nice with them.

What do you like about your work?
I really like the opportunity to meet new people all the time. It's also very fulfilling to see the successes of the pupils who take advantage of the learning support we offer and then come by later, talk about their plans and want to volunteer as a thank you for the new generation of pupils.

What are the challenges and successes for you at IN VIA?
For me, success is when we achieve what we want to achieve. It is challenging when there is not enough time to achieve success.

Have you had a personal highlight since you joined IN VIA?
Every passed exam is a highlight for me! It's nice to see how happy the students/trainees/clients are and to realise that the regular appointments at IN VIA have paid off!

If you had one wish, what would it be?
I would wish for our pupils, trainees and clients that the subject-related content in schools and in the final exams would be written in easier German.