

IN VIA Geschäftsstelle


IN VIA München e. V.
Katholischer Verband für
Mädchen- und
Goethestraße 12 / VI
80336 München

IN VIA Migration
Tel: +49 (0) 89 - 54 888 95 - 0

IN VIA Jugendwohnen
Tel: +49 (0) 89 – 28 28 24

Kath. Bahnhofsmission
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 – 59 45 78

IN VIA Geschäftsstelle
Tel: +49 (0) 89 – 28 28 24
Fax +49 (0) 89 – 28 84 13


Sandra Pawle


When did you join IN VIA? 
I started at IN VIA in March 2022.

What is your area of responsibility?
As team leader, I'm responsible for the "adult sector" in the migration department. This includes migration counselling for adults, refugee and integration counselling, TAHANAN and KOFIZA.

Describe yourself in 3 adjectives 
Describing yourself is not easy. But I think the following adjectives describe me well: humorous - reliable - communicative

What is a good day? 
A good day is a day on which I can laugh a lot, have nice people around me and feel content.

What do you like about your work?
The work is totally varied and every day brings something new. Working with people is enriching, meaningful and fun for me. I like getting people "on their way".

What are the challenges and successes for you at IN VIA? 
The biggest challenges for me are structural problems, funding, but also dealing with everyday racism. For me, successes are when we can, as I mentioned above, "get people on their way" - especially in terms of empowerment, because each individual usually knows what is best for them.

Do you have a personal highlight since you joined IN VIA?
My personal highlight at IN VIA is the great team spirit, the commitment of everyone and the respectful interaction.

If you had one wish, what would it be? 
Peace, peace and more peace. For our work, I would wish that we were given the necessary financial resources for our projects and ideas that are close to our hearts.