

IN VIA Geschäftsstelle


IN VIA München e. V.
Katholischer Verband für
Mädchen- und
Goethestraße 12 / VI
80336 München

IN VIA Migration
Tel: +49 (0) 89 - 54 888 95 - 0

IN VIA Jugendwohnen
Tel: +49 (0) 89 – 28 28 24

Kath. Bahnhofsmission
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 – 59 45 78

IN VIA Geschäftsstelle
Tel: +49 (0) 89 – 28 28 24
Fax +49 (0) 89 – 28 84 13


Tobias Aschenbrenner


How long have you been with IN VIA?
I've been with IN VIA since October 2022.

What is your area of responsibility?
My responsibilities include working as a Respect Coach in the Freising branch at two secondary schools in Freising.

Describe yourself in 3 adjectives
Open-minded, curious and communicative

What is a good day?
Sunny day at the Isar/Englischer Garten, interesting and shady museum, eating outside

What do you like about your work?
What I like about my work is the variety of topics I can deal with and the direct work with pupils.

What are your challenges and successes at IN VIA?
Familiarisation is still a challenge. Successes will certainly come soon.

Do you have a personal highlight since you've been at IN VIA?
Unfortunately not yet, but I'm sure I'll be collecting lots of highlights soon.

If you had one wish, what would it be?
I wish that our society no longer had to define itself so much by its differences, but much more by what we have in common.